Deptford Republican Committee

 Members & Voluteers needed!

Join us and together, we can make Deptford even better!

You are thinking about helping or volunteering with your local GOP.

You are thinking about helping or volunteering with your local GOP. Do you already vote regularly, you have marched with like-minded people in a protest, maybe even signed a petition or two. But you want to bring your civic engagement to the next level.

One of the most impactful ways to flex your civic force is to volunteer for a political campaign. Campaigns for the upcoming elections are taking shape in races across the U.S. — for seats as local board of education, city council, and as high-profile as the presidency.

How do I get involved and what can I offer to do with the some of the time that I have?

Click on the Volunteer Needed, below to begin volunteering with the Deptford Republican Club.