Chairperson Training

Thinking about becoming a Chairperson to lead this GOP Club. Check out the following to see if you have the mindset to lead this organization.

5 Qualities That Make a Successful Chairperson

The Chairperson plays an important role in a Club. The Chairperson’s main duties include chairing meetings of the Executives, setting meeting agendas in conjunction with the Club Secretary, managing and providing leadership to the Executives, and acting as a direct liaison between the Committees and the Members, including the Candidates.

What ultimately defines a good Chairperson is the ability to run an effective GOP Club and to manage relationships with both Candidates and Members.

Below are some of the key qualities that make an effective Chairperson:

1. Ability To Chair Meetings

The Executive Committee meets monthly, but they make decisions that define the organization's destiny for years to come. The ability to manage those meetings effectively is key. Chairmen must ensure that all the club is discussed in line with the agenda, that everyone’s views are heard and discussed, that clear decisions are reached and accepted and that they follow up to make sure agreed actions are carried out in line with Executive decisions.

2. Understanding The GOP

An exceptional Chairperson understands the GOP, its culture, people and processes. They also understand the wider politics and prepare the Club for all eventualities. Experienced Chairmen can quickly identify opportunities and potential risks facing their organization. They can engage with their Committees at an early stage to discuss potential courses of action.

3. Ability To Influence Others, Without Dominating

A good Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that all Executive members are using their own unique skills for the good of the organization. They must ensure all Club members contribute to discussions and the decision-making process and they must allow each Club member to express their views, even if they conflict with the Chairperson’s view. Developing effective communication with Club members is key. An exceptional Chairperson is careful not to allow their own personalities to dominate. They are willing to be challenged on their own views and enjoy open debate.

4. Strong Personality

The role of the Chairperson is a difficult job. They have ultimate responsibility for Club accomplishments. A good Chairperson gives strength and support to others while being resilient themselves. This requires a strong personality. Even the most experienced and effective Executives can face challenging times and the ability of the Chair to deal with these situations and to bounce back is essential to a Club recovering and moving on.

5. Good Communication

One of the exceptional Chairperson’s secrets of success is effective communication with all Committees. Through effective communication, the Chairperson gains the confidence of their Executives and provides clarity in the Club. The Chairperson’s ability at communicating Club strategy to external stakeholders and giving stakeholders confidence in the Cluby’s future direction will help keep external pressures at bay. They will also stand up to members' pressure, if necessary. An effective Chairperson does not lose sight of his main priority of improving the long-term performance of the club.

Inadequate leadership and governance contributed to the underperformance and failure of major clubs during the political crisis. The role of the Chairperson has become even more important. The current environment places greater responsibility and a higher profile on the Chairperson. Recent events have shown how, when things go wrong, the Chairperson can be first in the firing line.

Roberts Rules of Order

Robert's Rules - Cheat Sheet

NOTE: Click on the [Open Doc] icon in the upper-right of the page below and it will launch a printable document.


Procedures for Handling a Main Motion

NOTE: Click on the [Open Doc] icon in the upper-right of the page below and it will launch a printable document.


Deptford GOP Club Agenda

The following is to be used by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman to be completed and posted 72 hours prior to each Deptford Republican Club meeting.

NOTE: Click on the [Open Doc] icon in the upper-right of the page below and it will launch an editable document for you to fill out for submission.

Executive Meeting Agenda Template